The first class of interns at the Ntiva Service Desk Academy at WVU-Parkersburg have officially started, preparing four WVU-P students for a successful career in the IT industry.
To celebrate the official launch, and introduce the program to the general public, Ntiva and WVU-P co-sponsored a showcase event where local high schools, dignitaries and college faculty got a chance to meet the new interns, tour the facility, and learn more about the program.
Pictured above, left to right: Dr. Anthony Hancock, Vice Chancellor, West Virginia Community & Technical College System, interns Justin Cronin and Anthony Bowie, WVU-P President Chris Gilmer, and interns Jadon Satterfield and Michael Shotwell at the showcase on September 25, 2019.
Speakers at the event included long-term Ntiva employees from the West Virginia area, including VoIP manager Edward Blake and Support Center Manager, Josh Strahler. All speakers complimented this innovative program that was made possible by WVU-P, Ntiva and the West Virginia Learn and Earn Program, which allows students to gain work experience while completing their degree programs.
This partnership between WVU-P and Ntiva is a unique and special opportunity for Mid-Ohio Valley students who are interested in a career in technology, but may not be sure of how to get started. The Service Desk Academy will give those interested in the field of Information Technology a clear path to full-time employment with an industry leading Managed IT Service Provider!
VoIP Manager, Edward Blake, speaks at Wednesday's event about his own personal growth opportunities over the years with Ntiva. The afternoon was full of uplifting and positive stories of career improvements and realized potential!
By providing a solid road map, which includes financial assistance to a two year college degree, a paid internship, and the real world experience that is so critical for landing that first full-time job, the Service Desk Academy internship program is a major win for the students, the college, and the state of the West Virginia.
Even if the students continue on to careers with other businesses, Ntiva is proud to lay the foundational groundwork for these bright interns. The experience they gain while completing their degree will place them head and shoulders above other fresh college grads.
Keeping the exciting week rolling, Wednesday's showcase event was followed up on Friday with the second annual Mid-Ohio Valley (MOV) Career Fair presented by U.S. Senator Joe Manchin and WVU-P.
Ntiva employees were out in full force on Friday, hoping to spark some interest from both students and those just passing through. This event was free and open to the public, so we hope to see a spike in WVU-P enrollment, leading to more internships in the future!
The Service Desk Academy is not a short-term endeavor for Ntiva. Our plan is to build a continuous, ongoing recruitment program in partnership with WVU-P and the state of West Virginia. This will help to drive college enrollment, create jobs in this largely untapped area, and provide students with a real career track to full-time employment, be that with Ntiva or any other technology firm.
If you're interested in working with Ntiva (like our new friend Anthony, pictured above), or just want to learn more about this program, click the image below. After that, reach out to WVU-P, and see about starting your new career close to home!