Excel Wizardry Unleashed: Top Tips You Need to Know

July 19
34 min
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About This Webinar

Are you ready to level up your Excel skills and become a master? Whether you're just starting out with Excel or consider yourself an expert, these ingenious tips and tricks are about to change the game for you. Unlock the full potential of Excel with this webinar! Master keyboard shortcuts, utilize conditional formatting, and explore the magic of Pivot Tables, VLOOKUP, Data Validation, and Sparklines. Take your Excel skills to the next level and boost your productivity.


Excel Top Tips

  • The Magic Behind Excel
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Pivot Tables
  • VLOOKUP Function
  • Data Validation
  • Sparklines
  • Excel Training
  • Making the Most of Excel
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Ted Brown

Ted Brown

Ted Brown is Ntiva’s Director of Product Management, our go-to guy for all things product related and our certified Microsoft expert. With over 20 years in the IT industry, Ted has seen and done it all. Don’t miss these live sessions where you have free access to Ted’s incredible expertise!

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