IT Service Descriptions

Ntiva Training as a Service (TaaS)

Ntiva’s Training as a Service (TaaS) is a video-based Microsoft and 3rd party training platform which offers a dynamic and comprehensive learning experience that empowers individuals and organizations...

Service Description 

Ntiva’s Training as a Service (TaaS) is a video-based Microsoft and 3rd party training platform which offers a dynamic and comprehensive learning experience that empowers individuals and organizations to harness the full potential of Microsoft technologies and a wide array of third-party software solutions. Through engaging video content, learners gain access to expert-led tutorials, real-world use cases, and practical demonstrations, allowing them to master essential software skills efficiently. This adaptable training approach enables users to learn at their own pace, on their own schedule, fostering increased retention and productivity. With our service, you'll unlock the door to enhanced proficiency, increased efficiency, and the ability to stay at the forefront of the rapidly evolving digital landscape 


Ntiva’s TaaS is an e-learning platform that provides users with cloud-based training courses across a variety of Microsoft Office 365 applications as well as other 3rd party solutions such as Google G-Suite, Adobe and more. It helps make new users productive faster with its innovative teaching and evaluation tools.  

It is common knowledge that people do not like change and that is no truer than when a business implements a new IT system. For months, employees can be left frustrated and confused, which can ultimately result in disengagement – all due to a lack of proper guidance and training. Your IT investment ends up becoming a waste of money, time, and effort. 

However, incorporating training as part of your IT roll-out is an easy way to address any difficulties that employees might have in adapting to a new solution. There are several ways we can work with you to ensure that employees are prepared. 

Training does not have to stop there. With Microsoft 365, updates happen automatically and regularly so it is good to regularly train employees, so they are aware of any new improvements. 

Giving employees the option to dip into online training courses, quizzes, and videos, at their own pace ensures that they maintain their technical knowledge across a variety of business software solutions and topics, such as security. Plus, you can monitor and assign training courses to particular individuals and departments, as well as new hires, so that no one falls behind. 

Key features 

  • Ntiva’s TaaS is a comprehensive e-learning suite that includes not just up-to-date content, but a range of features tailored to get employees doing the work they need to in Office 365 with maximum efficiency. 

Task focused 

  • Short videos focused on specific real-world tasks keep training relevant so that users can quickly apply what they learn in their everyday work. 

Always available 

  • This cloud-based e-learning platform provides 24/7 access to all content, enabling employees to structure their learning around busy, changeable schedules. 

Searchable content 

  • A content search function turns Ntiva’s TaaS into an extensive knowledgebase, enabling employees to find the answers they need quickly. 

Employee portal 

  • Employees have access to a portal that tracks progress, keeping them motivated and helping them plan their own training. 

Central administration 

  • Administrators can control the entire e-learning experience from a central location, monitoring user activity, generating reports, and creating training assignments. 


  • Higher productivity 
  • Ntiva’s TaaS boosts employee productivity by teaching features that they may never run across otherwise, giving them new capabilities in the workplace. 

Time savings 

  • Focused training courses help get users up to speed quickly. They can fit them in during even a few minutes of downtime thanks to the short, task-based video format. 

Adapt faster 

  • Ntiva’s TaaS constantly updates its content as new products become available, creating a powerful learning platform that can help employees adapt as new Office 365 features emerge. 

Employee incentives 

  • Gamification techniques including leader boards to keep employees engaged with enjoyable courses that constantly challenge them and push the envelope. 

Authoritative content 

  • All content is produced by Microsoft MVPs, giving you the most accurate and insightful Office 365 tips and techniques. 

Retain knowledge 

  • Ntiva’s TaaS content is designed for user retention. Its teachings will stay with employees as they navigate everyday working tasks. Tests built into the platform ensure that they have absorbed all the relevant information. 


  • E-learning platform created for client 
  • One or more administrative accounts for client management 
  • Automated user account creation and removal for clients using Microsoft 365. 
  • This applies to commercial, Non-Profit, Academic and GCC low or medium 365 Client Tenants 
  • New users will receive a email for enrollment 
  • Training for E-learning platform is built into the platform 
  • Updated training content based on new releases by vendor 

Task 1 – Project Management and Deployment 

  • Onboarding team will deploy Ntiva’s TaaS Solution via onboarding standards 
  • Onboarding will prompt one or more users to be administrators of the client 
  • If Microsoft 365 client onboarding will utilize automate client enrollment for users 
  • If a non-Microsoft 365 client, onboarding will manually import users for creation 
  • All users at the time of the implementation will receive a welcome email for account creation 

Task 2 – Normal Operations 

This phase includes routine day-to-day operations of Ntiva’s TaaS Service: 

  • New user adds and removals 
  • Clients utilizing Microsoft 365 will be automatically created and removed through automation 
  • Client users with portal administrative privileges can create and remove users within their portal. 
  • Clients can request users to be added or removed via support ticket 
  • Password resets for users with access issues will be performed via a support ticket and emailed to client via TaaS Portal 
  • Client Portal Administrator additions or removals 
  • Adding or removing Portal Administrators will be performed via a support ticket 

Service Assumptions 

  • Client TaaS training is provided within the TaaS platform via help section 
  • Video based training for end users 
  • Video Based training for Client administrators 
  • Client will administrate the TaaS portal for setting up training campaigns 
  • Ntiva does not produce training released to training platform  
  • Ntiva does not monitor employee usage of training platform 
  • TaaS Service contract outside of SSP are monthly 

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